4/9/2021 1 John 1:8 [NIV]
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 4/9/2021 1 John 1:8 [NIV]
Prelest. I just discovered a new word today, looked it up and got excited. It is a Greek Orthodox word that beautifully describes a dangerous spiritual condition caused by self-delusion. In my own shaky words, getting dazzled by my own goodness. I know how it feels and grieve that I’ve experienced it. But at the same time, I’m gratified that the Holy Spirit is working in me to see it clearly in all its ugly charms. It is driven by both pride and fear and results in isolation and rejection of truth and true godliness.
I can also see how it has become an epidemic in our world driving all the insane conversations on twitter and the twisted news that is blowing our country up. We do indeed have problems that need to get solved, but the prelest virus is making us destroy ourselves in the process!
I thank God that I am at the same time seeing Christians working through this and coming back together rather than retreat into their own camps and become increasingly divided. I am joyful that Love is the ultimate force in this world and has conquered the deceiver who continues to try to destroy us.
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